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update wedonet_user set user_atime=GetDate() where id=0 update wedonet_user set isonline=0 where isonline=1 and datediff(n,user_atime,GetDate())>20 select id,classid,tags,descrip,title,content from [wedonet_doc] where isdel=0 and ispass=1 and classid=917 and id=196 update [wedonet_doc] set hits=hits+1 where id=196 select top 10 id,classid,title from [wedonet_doc] where isdel=0 and ispass=1 and cid=4 and classid in (915) order by istop desc,cls asc,id desc select top 10 id,classid,title from [wedonet_doc] where isdel=0 and ispass=1 and cid=4 and classid in (916) order by istop desc,cls asc,id desc select top 10 id,classid,title from [wedonet_doc] where isdel=0 and ispass=1 and cid=4 and classid in (917) order by istop desc,cls asc,id desc select top 10 id,title from [wedonet_keyword] order by mycount desc